Monday, September 20, 2010


Sometimes I wonder just how much time I spend on Facebook. How many hours are wasted stalking people's pictures and reading my news feed over and over? I could get so much more done if Facebook didn't exist. I would have so many more hours in the day to do other things. As a matter of fact right before I began writing this blog I was on facebook. That's when I decided I needed to explain to everyone why I am failing out of college. Just kidding, I don't stay on facebook to that extent but it does keep me from getting my work done earlier. I lose a lot of sleep from procrastinating on facebook. But is facebook really to blame? I should have more self control to not make facebook my life. It is so addictive and I really wasn't sure why. I put some thought into the idea of facebook and realized it has replaced interaction. People are updated with their friends by reading their latest status, and looking at their pictures. People write on each other's wall to tell each other happy birthday. Did most of them actually remember it was their birthday? Most likely they just saw it was their birthday today through facebook reminders. Facebook has become the center of people's social life. If you aren't up to date with facebook, you are behind. I don't necessarily like that this has become a world wide addiction, but everyone is doing it, and it is only a matter of time before there is a new craze.

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