Friday, September 24, 2010

Where does all my money go?

It is amazing how quickly you can spend money and how difficult it is to earn it. I have had two jobs throughout my lifetime and I am lucky enough that I didn't have to depend on just that amount of income to buy the things I needed. This year I have an apartment with two other girls. I never realized just how quickly everything can add up. Our rent seemed reasonable for the area and I was willing to pay that amount, but I didn't take into account just how many bills we would have to pay every month. There is water, waste water, trash, electric, cable, and internet. It seems to be never ending! Having an apartment this year and being responsible for all the bills and our bank account really made me appreciate how difficult my parents have worked to help me pay for my college and living. Without a college education, it would be extremely difficult to be able to have enough money to pay my bills. Money seems to just dissappear so quickly, this year i've really learned to monitor my spending and only use it for things I really need. I save up some of my extra money to do something fun with friends every once in a while, and I have come up with a good balance of where to spend my money. I now truly understand the meaning of "money doesn't grow on trees." It is so valuable.

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