Monday, November 15, 2010

Bucket List

Believe it or not a show on MTV has inspired me to do something good! The show is called The Buried Life, it is a group of five guys and they composed a list of things they want to do before they die. So the show is about them crossing those things off their list; but not only do they just do things from their list, every time they cross something off theirs, they ask a stranger what they would like to do before they die, and actually help them achieve that. This show has inspired me to actually start a list of my own. I think it is important that you have things that you would really like to do in the future. It gives you something to look forward too, and amazing memories to look back on. So since I've started watching the show, I began a short list of things I would like to do before I die, my personal Bucket List. I want to learn to speak another language fluently, I want to learn how to juggle three balls, teach someone illiterate how to read, I want to make my own website, I want to skydive, I want to travel the world, and I want to ride an elephant. Some things are small and seem somewhat insignificant while others seem a little more important, but they are all things I would like to experience at one point in my life no matter the importance. I really suggest that everyone make this for themselves, it helps to set goals and look forward to the future. I never thought I would say this but, thanks MTV.

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