Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Banner Ads Aren't Effective

Recent surveys show that banner advertisements are what 43 % of consumers claim that they ignore while on the Internet. I hadn't really thought about banner advertisements until I read this article and as a result I browsed the Internet for a while just to see what kind of advertisements I saw on each web page. When I was looking for advertisements I noticed there were many banner advertisements that I hadn't really noticed before. I don't think they seem very successful. When I see them, I sort of feel like they are almost like a virus, or something I don't want to click on. Therefore my mind automatically ignores them and I don't really even notice them when I am on the Internet net normally. Another big category were Internet Search-Engine Ads; 23% of people claimed to ignore these also while on the Internet. My theory behind this would be because when many people use a search engine they already have in mind what they are searching for and are not looking out for other advertisements, they are just mainly focused on typing in their search and getting results. In my opinion, companies need to find more creative and interactive ways to advertise to the consumer to get their attention. Banner Advertisements are too simple, and at least to me, seem to be ineffective.


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