Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Spiders or Die!

Fact: On average, people fear spiders more than death. What is wrong with everyone?! I absolutely hate spiders, bugs, and creepy crawly things, but I don't think I really fear them more then death itself. I was really confused and actually kind of shocked when I read this statement. I decided I wanted to ask some of my friends what they thought about this subject. After talking to a few of them, I came to a conclusion that they many people feel that death is something that will happen to everyone. It is natural and everyones time will come. Spiders are a completely different fear. Although most people don't enjoy thinking of death, they don't necessarily fear it. Also, because so many people are religious many of them believe that after death will be even better then life on Earth. So in that case, there is really no reason to fear death at all. So after thinking about it for a while, I understood why this was true. Obviously no one wants to die, it is a scary inevitable thing that will happen to all of us, and maybe that is what makes it less scary. It is unavoidable and we basically have to get over the fact we will die eventually. Spiders are scary, and can be avoided hopefully, therefore much worse!!!

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