Saturday, November 13, 2010

When It Gets Awkward

Where are you from? What is your major? How was your break? What are you doing this weekend? Where do you live? There are only so many questions you can ask somebody. Hopefully the person you just met LOVES to talk and is GREAT at keeping a conversation. Unfortunately that is not always the case. As for me, I have to deal with these kinds of situations a lot. Being in a Sorority, we have to meet a lot of freshman and try to carry on a conversation nonstop for 10 minutes. Doesn't sound that bad right? Try it. Even a second of silence while you try to think of something else to ask them is brutal. I try to have questions already in my head, so when she answers one question I am already hittin' her with another, but sometimes it is difficult to listen to her answer while you are thinking of a new subject to talk about. I'm sure we all have had awkward moments and we all have different ways of dealing with them. I usually end up laughing to try and ease the awkwardness. Usually it doesn't really help, so then I start saying, "Umm Yeah, umm what else," which probably makes things even worse! I also start looking around, maybe even pretend like I see someone I know. A few times I've even pretended as if I got a text or a phone call that was really important. So when in doubt, laugh or pretend like you have friends.

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