Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do People Actually Buy That?

Over the years I have seen the most ridiculous products being sold in magazines or on TV. I don't know anyone who wold want to purchase such a wacky product. Do people really wear Snuggies to soccer games? Are we really that cold that we can't take the blanket off our hands for five seconds to change the channel, therefore we need a Snuggie? Do girls really use bump-its to make it look like they have an extremely abnormal head? I was really curious to see whether products like these actually sell. I did some research and found a website that listed fifteen ridiculous products that actually sell. I was shocked when I saw these products, I would have never guessed that people would actually buy them. There are "Doggles" which are goggles for dogs protect their eyes from the chlorine in the pool. There is also a Taser/MP3 Player Combo Holster. You will never have to worry about keeping your Ipod and Taser in two separate places. And probably the most ridiculous, there is a "Revenge" Aggravating Noise CD, which is meant for getting back at noisy neighbors or roommates with even more obnoxious sounds. I am clueless why people would spend their money on things like these. It seems as though people are just looking to buy any new product on the market just so they have the newest, latest product. Advertisers are really successful at creating a need for a product that there is really no need for. I guess there is a certain satisfaction people get just to be able to say, "I have it."

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