Friday, October 15, 2010

Robots Make Mistakes

I read an article about Social-Media Marketing and why robots should not be taking our place in that role. I didn't know much before I read this article but now I realize what the problem is and I have witnessed this mistake personally a few times before. Although robots are capable of cutting a lot of intensive human labor and do jobs faster than any human could possibly do, there are some situations where it is necessary to have a human do a job. Social-Media Marketing happens to be one of the situations. In the article it gives an example of someone who just arrived at a party and decided to try and join a group that was in the middle of a conversation. The logical thing to do is to listen to what the group is talking about before speaking, and that is the job of the robots. They are designed to look for key words and from there decide where would be the best place for an advertisement. The problem is, many times the robots misinterpret the context of the sentence or phrase, and place an ad where it shouldn't be. He gives an example of an advertisement for an airline placed right next to a story of an airplane crash. Although they have cut drastically cut intensive labor with the robots, they are wasting time and money when the robot misunderstands the context of something. I agree with the author of this article and I feel that the intensive human labor is worth the benefits of placing the ad where it needs to be. It is much less likely a human will misinterpret the context compared to a robot.

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