Monday, October 11, 2010

People Just Want To Talk

I recently read an article regarding companies using Facebook and Twitter. Usually companies have these websites and occasionally will make posts or tweets promoting their product. They have realized that hearing about their product is not exactly what people want to read about on Facebook or Twitter. People are on this website to connect with people and therefore companies like, Oreo or Coca-Cola need to connect with their consumers. They have concluded that there is a much greater response when companies have more conversational posts. It doesn't always have to be about the product or brand, in fact they have found that, "simple, random, even banal statements," work the best in creating a large response. Facebook and Twitter have created a completely free way for companies to advertise and promote their brand. Oreo has done a great job at using Facebook to create a large response and increase sales. They have posts like, Ever try dunking an Oreo cookie with a fork or anything else? Pick a flavor, any flavor! If you could create a new Oreo cream flavor, what would it be? And Pop quiz: Twist, lick, then...?" All of these posts created so many responses and actually increased costumers and sales, all at no cost to the company. I believe this is the future for all companies, they just have to figure out how to connect with their costumers without advertising to them.

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