Monday, October 4, 2010

The Wifis

This post sort of adds on to my previous one. Recently, I went into my local Verizon store simply to check my eligibility for an upgrade for my 2006, out of date, Motorola Dare phone. The salesman in the store noticed my friend had and Iphone. Working for Verizon he began bashing the Iphone and saying all these bad things about it. I was shocked with his behavior as a professional. He showed us this video that compared all of the other smart phones to the Iphone. In the video the Iphone customer is portrayed as a robot who is so caught up in the craze of having the brand name of the Iphone, they don’t even care about the features or price of any other phone. The seller in the video tells the Iphone customer all the reasons any normal person would be thrilled about to get another phone but the costumer doesn’t listen. My favorite part is when the seller says “it has an app that builds you an island, then transforms into a jet and flies you there.” The customer reply’s back with “I don’t care; if it is not an Iphone then I do not want it.” I totally agree with the message this video sends. Sometimes we get so caught up in wanting a name brand, or something just to fit it, we don’t take time to step back and way out the options. I understand he works for Verizon and his job is to keep me there, but I do believe the Iphone is no better than any of the smart phones coming out today. They are all so similar! Fortunately, I was able to take a step back and I am now the proud owner of a 2010 Droid Incredible, and I love it!

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